Evox Electric Wheelchairs: A Comprehensive Guide for Kerala

Evox Electric Wheelchairs: A Comprehensive Guide for Kerala

Finding the right electric wheelchair can be a life-changing decision, granting independence and mobility. Suppose you're considering an Evox electric wheelchair in Kerala. In that case, this comprehensive guide will equip you with all the information you need to make an informed choice.

Understanding Evox Wheelchairs:

Evox, a prominent Indian manufacturer, offers a diverse range of electric wheelchairs catering to various needs and budgets. Their wheelchairs are known for being:

  • User-friendly: Designed for ease of operation and navigation.
  • Durable: Built with robust materials for long-lasting performance.
  • Affordable: Offered at competitive prices compared to imported brands.

Popular Evox Electric Wheelchair Models in Kerala:

  • Evox WC-101: This is a basic and budget-friendly option, perfect for indoor use or short trips. It might have a lower weight capacity and fewer adjustable features.
  • Evox WC-102: This model offers a slightly higher weight capacity and adjustable armrests or leg rests for increased comfort.
  • Evox WC-105: This is a popular choice for its compact and foldable design, ideal for easy storage and transportation. It's suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Evox WC-104: This model might be equipped with more advanced features like a joystick controller, increased speed options, or a higher weight capacity for heavier users.
  • Evox WC-107 & WC-108: These could be high-end models with premium features like padded seating, improved shock absorption, or extended battery life for longer journeys. They might also boast a higher weight capacity for bariatric users.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Evox Wheelchair:

  • Your Needs and Lifestyle:
    • Mobility Level: Consider how much daily use you anticipate and the type of terrain you'll navigate (indoor, outdoor, uneven surfaces).
    • Physical Requirements: Evaluate your weight, height, and any specific needs related to leg rests, armrests, or headrests.
    • Comfort: Prioritize features that enhance comfort, such as adjustable seating, padding, and armrests.
  • Technical Specifications:
    • Weight Capacity: Ensure the wheelchair can safely accommodate your weight.
    • Battery Life: Choose a battery range that aligns with your usage needs. Look for easily removable batteries for convenient charging.
    • Motor Power: Consider the motor power for navigating inclines or uneven surfaces.
    • Safety Features: Look for features like anti-tipping wheels, seatbelts, and emergency brakes.
    • Portability: If portability is a concern, consider a foldable model like the WC-105.

Finding the Right Evox Wheelchair Dealer in Kerala:

  • Online Retailers: Several online retailers like Amazon or Flipkart offer Evox wheelchairs, allowing price and feature comparisons. However, ensure they provide clear warranty information and preferably after-sales service options.
  • Medical Equipment Stores: Reputable medical equipment stores in Kerala often stock Evox wheelchairs. They can offer expert advice and potentially allow you to try the wheelchair before purchasing.
  • Evox Authorized Dealers: Evox might have authorized dealers in Kerala. You can find their details on the Evox website (if available) or by contacting Evox directly.

Additional Tips for Kerala Customers:

  • Price Comparison: Get quotes from multiple dealers to secure the best price. Factor in any delivery or installation charges.
  • Warranty and Service: Ensure the dealer offers a comprehensive warranty and after-sales service for repairs and maintenance.
  • Trial Runs: Whenever possible, request a trial run of the wheelchair to assess comfort and handling before committing to a purchase.
  • Financing Options: Some dealers or medical equipment stores might offer financing options to make the wheelchair more affordable.

Evox Electric Wheelchairs: Maintenance and Aftercare Tips for Kerala

Owning an Evox electric wheelchair is an investment in your mobility and independence. Proper maintenance will ensure your wheelchair functions optimally for years to come. Here are some key aftercare tips specifically for Kerala's climate:

  • Regular Cleaning:  Wipe down your wheelchair with a damp cloth at least once a week. Use a mild soap solution for areas that get dirty. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners. Pay close attention to the joystick, wheels, and crevices where dust and dirt can accumulate.
  • Moisture Control:  Kerala's humid climate can be harsh on electronic components. After using your wheelchair outdoors, dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth, especially around the joystick and control panel. Consider keeping a moisture absorber bag inside the battery compartment to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Battery Care:  Batteries are a crucial component of your electric wheelchair. Here are some tips to maximize their lifespan:
    • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Don't leave your wheelchair in direct sunlight for extended periods. High temperatures can damage the battery's lifespan.
    • Regular Charging: Even if you're not using your wheelchair daily, it's recommended to perform shallow discharges and full charges periodically (as per manufacturer's instructions) to maintain battery health.
    • Storage: When storing your wheelchair for extended periods, ensure the battery is at least 50% charged to prevent deep discharge damage.
  • Wheel Maintenance:
    • Regular Inspection: Periodically check your wheels for wear and tear. Look for cracks, flat spots, or loose spokes. Replace worn-out tyres promptly to maintain optimal performance and safety.
    • Lubrication: Lubricate the moving parts of your wheelchair, such as the axles and joystick controls, according to the manufacturer's instructions. This will minimize friction and ensure smooth operation.
    • Puncture Repair: Kerala's roads might have debris. If you experience a flat tyre, some wheelchair models have air-filled tyres that a qualified technician can repair. Solid puncture-proof tyres are also available for added peace of mind.
  • User Manual and Warranty:  Refer to your Evox wheelchair's user manual for specific cleaning, maintenance, and troubleshooting instructions. Familiarize yourself with the warranty terms and keep your warranty documents readily available.

Kerala-Specific Considerations:

  • Monsoon Season: The monsoon season in Kerala brings heavy rains. During this time, be extra cautious while using your wheelchair outdoors. Invest in a rain cover to protect your wheelchair from the elements. Avoid using your wheelchair in flooded areas to prevent electrical damage.
  • Uneven Terrain: Kerala's landscape can be diverse, with uneven surfaces like cobblestone paths or rough terrain. Choose a wheelchair model with good suspension and ground clearance to navigate such terrains safely.