Voice control wheelchair- An innovative approach towards the accessibility

Voice control wheelchair- An innovative approach towards the accessibility

The majority of physically challenged persons rely on others to cover any distance. People who use wheelchairs require assistance from others to operate them if they do not have their own hands. This is when the voice control wheelchair comes into the frame to improve the accessibility for patients with mobility issues. The voice-controlled wheelchair allows physically challenged persons to move more easily while avoiding injury.  In the following blog, we are going to shed some light on voice-control wheelchair and their benefits.

How does the voice-control wheelchair work?

Individuals with impairments sometimes encounter substantial mobility issues, which may restrict their ability to do everyday activities and attend social gatherings. Wheelchairs are a popular assistive equipment for those with mobility disabilities, however, typical wheelchairs may not give enough independence and flexibility for others. Computer-controlled robotic Automatic wheelchair provides enhanced mobility and freedom for those with impairments.

Speech signals are the most essential form of interaction in humans. Almost every interaction is done by vocal signals. A microphone can transform sounds and voice impulses into electrical forms. Physical impairment can result from a variety of causes, including accidents, ageing, and health issues. A wheelchair is utilised to move handicapped persons who have limitations in their hands and legs. People with disabilities, such as paralysis, struggle to move wheelchairs manually or with an automated assembly. For such persons, the project is meant to function using voice-based instructions, allowing the paralysed or impaired person to offer direction orders by simply talking into the microphone provided.

The device also features remote-controlled directional keys for wheelchair handling. The system consists of an Atmega328-based circuit connected with a module for voice identification that receives verbal instructions from the user and translates them into digital data, which is then investigated by the microcontroller to obtain directional directives. The complete system consists of two circuits: the transmitter circuit and the reception circuit. The voice recognition module is part of the transmitter circuit, whereas the motor and driver assembly are part of the reception circuit. The connected LCD is utilised to display the command sent to the wheelchair.

Necessity of voice-control wheelchair for disabled people

Voice Control wheelchairs provide increased freedom of movement for those with little or no arm or hand function. These gadgets reduce the need for physical assistance, allowing carers to better support their loved ones. Individuals who rely on carers or family members for everyday tasks may have limited autonomy and participation in their communities. Users may control the movement of the wheelchair using voice instructions, allowing them to use it freely and without assistance from others. Controllers or other input devices that are difficult to operate. The voice commands may be tailored to the desires of the individual user, allowing them to manage their wheelchair with ease and precision. Voice-controlled wheelchairs also provide practical benefits to carers and close relatives. Voice-controlled wheelchairs might be especially beneficial for those who are living alone in their home and lack accessibility.

Everyone's right is to live with respect and freedom, regardless of physical ability or social situation. We can fight to make the world more equitable and just for everyone by developing and promoting the use of voice-controlled wheelchairs and other assistive technology. Voice-controlled wheelchairs can improve socialisation for those with impairments. These technologies allow users to fully engage in social activities, including reunions with family, social occasions, and public settings. Finally, the demand for inexpensive and accessible assistive technology, such as voice-controlled wheelchairs, is a matter of social rights and fairness. 

Shedding light on the benefits of voice-controlled wheelchairs

The popularity of voice-controlled wheelchairs is increasing like a rage. Here are some reasons why you must have this rather than choosing the traditional wheelchair.

  • Customization - These wheelchairs may be customised to meet individual needs and abilities. Modifications to the control system, seat or backrest, or the addition of new amenities can be added for better comfort.
  • Affordability- The voice-assisted wheelchairs are great if you have a good budget. These are not much pricey yet affordable for everyone. This cost-effective wheelchair is something you must invest in to reduce the barrier. It makes disabled people able to operate and feel included like others. Check the automatic wheelchair price.
  • Social participation:  Voice-assisted wheelchairs can assist persons with impairments to gain more freedom and mobility, enabling more social participation. These tools can increase user participation in social activities and events, resulting in increased possibilities for social connection.
  • Freedom: Voice-controlled wheelchairs can help persons with impairments achieve greater freedom. Voice-controlled wheelchairs eliminate the need for manual assistance or joysticks, allowing users to move and navigate autonomously.
  • Safety: These wheelchairs can help users stay safe. If a wheelchair user has restricted hand or arm movement, using a joystick may increase the risk of colliding with objects or losing control.

Affordable voice-control wheelchairs benefit persons with impairments, carers, and the community as a whole.  Through this smart wheelchair individuals with mobility issues can receive the sense of liberty and the ability to move around without relying on others for help.

This innovative technology is user-friendly & that’s the reason why people like it. Incorporating voice control technologies into wheelchair design can enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities by minimising their reliance on others. Therefore, developing a low-cost voice-control wheelchair is a huge step forward in assistive technology.