Range of Power Wheelchairs with Price in India (2024): Evox

Range of Power Wheelchairs with Price in India (2024): Evox

Regaining mobility and independence is crucial for those requiring the use of a wheelchair. Evox, a renowned brand, offers a comprehensive range of power wheelchairs in India to cater to diverse needs and budgets. This blog delves into the features, specifications, and price range of popular Evox power wheelchairs available in India.

Understanding Evox Power Wheelchairs

Evox power wheelchairs are designed for indoor and outdoor use, providing users with greater control and maneuverability. They are equipped with electric motors powered by rechargeable batteries, allowing users to navigate independently. Evox chairs prioritize comfort and safety, featuring adjustable seats, armrests, and footrests. Joystick controllers ensure smooth and precise operation.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Evox Power Wheelchair

  • User Needs: Consider the user's weight capacity requirement, daily activity level, and desired level of independence.
  • Indoor/Outdoor Use: Some models excel for indoor maneuvering, while others have features suitable for outdoor terrains.
  • Budget: Evox offers a range of models at varying price points.

Additional Considerations When Purchasing an Evox Power Wheelchair

  • Warranty: Ensure the chosen model comes with a comprehensive warranty for repairs and replacements.
  • After-Sales Service: Verify the availability of after-sales service and spare parts in your area.
  • Test Drive: Whenever possible, request a test drive to assess comfort, maneuverability, and suitability for your needs.
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: A doctor, therapist, or mobility specialist can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and medical condition.
  • Consider Weight Capacity: Choose a model with a weight capacity exceeding your weight to ensure safety and optimal performance.
  • Evaluate Battery Range: Consider your daily usage patterns and choose a model with a battery range that meets your needs. Most Evox models offer a range between 15-20 kilometers on a single charge.
  • Think About Portability: If portability is a concern, consider lightweight models like the WC-105E or WC-102M that fold for easier transport.
  • Comfort is Key: Adjustable seating, armrests, and footrests are crucial for prolonged use. Consider features like reclining seats and headrests for added comfort, especially if you spend extended periods in the chair.
  • Safety Features: Look for features like electromagnetic brakes (available in WC-101E) for enhanced stopping power and control.

Beyond Evox: Exploring Additional Options

While Evox offers a compelling selection, it's wise to explore other reputable power wheelchair brands in India. Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • Brand Reputation: Research the brand's history, customer reviews, and after-sales service network.
  • Customization Options: Some brands offer custom features like specialized seating, joystick controllers, and additional accessories.
  • Financing Options: Explore financing options offered by retailers or healthcare providers to make the purchase more manageable.


Choosing the right power wheelchair is an investment in your independence and well-being. By carefully considering your needs, researching Evox and other brands, and consulting healthcare professionals, you can make an informed decision that empowers you to navigate the world with confidence. For More Details Regarding Price Click On Electric Wheelchair Option below: