Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing an Armrest for Your Wheelchair

Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing an Armrest for Your Wheelchair

For wheelchair users, armrests are more than just a place to rest your arms. They provide crucial support for transfers, positioning, and daily activities. Choosing the right armrest can significantly impact your comfort, independence, and overall well-being. This guide explores the different factors to consider when selecting an armrest for your wheelchair.

Understanding Armrest Types

Wheelchair armrests come in a variety of styles, each offering unique benefits and drawbacks. Here's a breakdown of the most common types:

  • Fixed Height Armrests: These offer a stable and sturdy option, ideal for users who require consistent arm support. They can be full-length, providing support from the back of the seat to the front, or desk-length, extending only partially.

  • Adjustable Height Armrests: These allow for customization of armrest height to suit individual needs and activities. They can be particularly beneficial for users with limited shoulder mobility or those who require varying levels of support throughout the day.

  • Removable Armrests: These offer increased flexibility for transfers and getting closer to tables or desks. They come in both fixed and adjustable height options.

  • Swing-Away Armrests: These swing outwards or backwards, facilitating easier transfers and allowing users to get closer to surfaces. They are ideal for individuals who rely on self-propelling or perform frequent transfers.

  • Padded Armrests: Padding provides additional comfort and pressure relief, especially for users who spend extended periods in their wheelchairs.

  • Space-Saver Armrests: These armrests curve inwards, bringing them closer to the user's body. This can be beneficial for individuals with limited space or those who find standard armrests obstruct their access to desks or tables.

Key Considerations for Choosing an Armrest

When selecting an armrest, consider the following factors to ensure optimal comfort, support, and functionality:

  • User Needs and Activities:

    • Transfers: If you rely on self-propelling or perform frequent transfers, removable or swing-away armrests offer greater ease of movement.

    • Positioning: Individuals with specific postural needs may require armrests that adjust in height and angle to promote proper body alignment.

    • Activities: Consider your daily activities. If you spend a lot of time at a desk, desk-length armrests with padding might be suitable.

  • Body Size and Proportions: Measure your arm length from elbow to wrist to ensure the armrest provides adequate support without compromising posture.

  • Comfort and Pressure Relief: Choose an armrest with sufficient padding, especially if you spend extended periods in your wheelchair.

  • Material and Durability: Consider the material of the armrest pad and frame. Breathable materials like mesh can be more comfortable in warm climates, while padded vinyl offers easier cleaning.

  • Adjustability: Adjustable height and angle features allow for customization and better positioning based on your needs.

  • Lifestyle and Preferences: Think about your lifestyle and preferences. Do you prioritize portability? Ease of use? Consider these factors when choosing between fixed or removable armrests.

Additional Tips for Choosing an Armrest

  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: Discuss your needs and preferences with a therapist or healthcare professional who can recommend suitable armrest options.

  • Trial and Error: If possible, try different armrests to find the one that provides the most comfort and support. Many wheelchair suppliers offer demo models for testing.

  • Consider Customization: Some wheelchair manufacturers offer custom armrest options to cater to specific needs.

  • Maintenance: Regularly check your armrests for wear and tear and replace the padding as needed to ensure optimal comfort and support.


Choosing the right armrest for your wheelchair is an essential step in maximizing your comfort, independence, and overall well-being. By considering your individual needs, activities, and preferences, you can select an armrest that enhances your daily life. Remember, consulting a healthcare professional and trying different options can ensure you make the best choice for optimal support and comfort.